1. [PDF] 「生体分子情報による次世代型がん個別最適化治療法の ... - 東京医科大学
... Ueda S, Ohno S, Yamada Y, Osakabe Y, Goto H, Matsunaga Y,. Ishikawa A, Usui Y ... Shinichiro Ohno 、 Yuichiro Harada 、 Keiki Oikawa, Yoshihiko Kanno ...
2. Ueda Shinichiro (上田慎一郎) - MyDramaList
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Born in Japan in 1984. His feature One Cut of the Dead (2017) won EFFFF Asian Award at the 2018 BIFAN, and also won Audience Award and Best Film Award...
3. Credits Repository Archive 01 - GDRI :: Game Developer Research Institute
Jul 20, 2024 · ... Ueda (上田 耕一) Hideaki Andou (安藤 秀明) Taku Wada (和田 拓) ... Shinichiro Miyatani Programmer Takeshi Kaneda Adviser Hiroshi Mita ...
< Credits Repository
4. Faculty Profiles - SHIBATA HIROKI
Medical Institute of Bioregulation Research Promotion Unit Associate Professor Abolition organization Research Center for Transomics Medicine(Joint ...
Ddhd1 knockout mouse as a model for familial spastic paraplegia. International conference
5. Kaneko, Shin(Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA))
Tokyo University, Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Project Assistant Professor. From Apr. 2005, To Mar. 2008.
6. Development of a new miRNA delivery system for targeting cancer ...
UEDA Shinobu 東京医科大学, 医学部, 助手 (00521874). Co-Investigator(Kenkyū ... 髙梨 正勝、須藤 カツ子、大野 慎一郎、上田 しのぶ、石川 章夫、黒田 雅彦 ...
It is known to dysregulation of microRNAs contribution to the development and progression of cancers. MiRNAs in serum correlate with the cancer, cardiovascular disorders and the various types of diseases. In addition, extracellular miRNAs have been detected in exosomes isolated from numerous body fluids including serum. In this study, we examined whether exosomes were a new useful tools for gene delivery in a model of cancer. Modified exosomes with the GE11 peptide that binds to EGFR including let-7a were prepared (let-7a/GE11 exosomes). let-7a/GE11 exosomes were intravenously injected into Rag2-/- mice transplanted breast cancer cells (HCC-70). After four injections, let-7a/GE11 exosomes markedly suppressed tumor growth. These results suggest that exosomes may provide an effective miRNA delivery system for cancer therapy.
7. Book List - AKAAKA
River. 上田義彦 2,600円+税 | 240 × 294 mm | 58頁 | 並製本. Photographs by Yoshihiko Ueda 2,600JPY | ...
月の裏側へ 馬込将充本体 4,000円+税|H257mm × W182mm|コデックス装| 136ページ Photographs by Masamitsu Magome4,000 JPY|136 pages|codex目の前のいまに結晶している、目には見えない過去の時間、日々の錘、未来への足どり。馬込将充、初写真集。ISBN: 978-4-86541-154-6 | Published in September 2022
8. 上田 しのぶ (Shinobu Ueda) - マイポータル - researchmap
Akihiko Tsuchida, Shinichiro ... 人工型エクソソームを用いた新規肺癌治療の開発. 黒田 雅彦, 高梨 正勝, 大野 慎一郎, 上田 しのぶ, 牧野 洋二郎, 大平 達夫, 池田 徳彦.
9. Kanda, Junya(Graduate School of Medicine, Medicine) - 京都大学
... 上田 恭典; 宮腰 重三郎; 片山 雄太; 河北 敏郎; 木村 貴文; 鬼塚 真仁; 福田 ... Ueda Y; Takanashi M; Yano S. British journal of haematology, May 2018, Peer ...
Impact of donor type on the outcomes of acute graft versus host disease to systemic corticosteroid therapy.
10. Masanao Sato (Research Faculty of Agriculture Fundamental ...
石川聡子, 佐藤昌直, 浅野慎一郎, 伴戸久徳 東北蚕糸・昆虫機能利用研究報告 ... , Ueda I., Sato M., Sekiguchi H., Yagihashi H., Takahashi Y. Annals of the ...
Clinically approved chemical-controlled suppression of protein expression in BmN cells
11. [PDF] 香港知識產權公報Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
Jun 6, 2019 · [72] UEDA, Tsuyoshi 上田剛. KADOTA, Kohei 門田光平. [74] MARKS & CLERK ... KANEKO Shinichiro 金子慎一郎. [74] EMILY YIP & CO. 1st Floor ...
12. Faculty Profiles - ODA YOSHINAO - 九州大学 研究者情報
Papers. Dysadherin expression as a significant prognostic factor and as a determinant of histological features in synovial sarcoma: special reference to its ...
Dysadherin expression as a significant prognostic factor and as a determinant of histological features in synovial sarcoma: special reference to its inverse relationship with E-cadherin expression. Reviewed International journal
13. Shinichirō UEDA (director) - Anime News Network
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