Whatever You Do Quotes: top 100 famous quotes about Whatever You Do (2024)

Whatever You Do Quotes & Sayings

Happy to read and share the best inspirational Whatever You Do quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

You can have, you can be, you can do whatever you want to do once you make the decision, so that would be my greatest piece of advice. Eric Thomas

People read informality as, 'Do whatever you feel like,' and whatever you feel like might be disastrous. Judith Martin

Money gives you the power to do whatever you want to do. I like the idea of being in complete control of my life. Louise Mensch

Whatever you do the Daimon Club for sure can do something for you too, of course, and together we can do so much more! Join us! William C. Brown

One thing you learn early growing up a girlpeople always talk, whatever you do,' Glain said. 'What bliss it must be to be male. Rachel Caine

I like chicken a lot because chicken is generous - that is to say, it's obedient. It will do whatever you tell it to do. Maya Angelou

Don't be offended when people tell you you're crazy. Use it as an excuse to do whatever you want! Dan Pearce

Whatever you do, life don't stop. It only sits a minute and dreams a dream. Grace Paley

You have the ability and gifts to do whatever you want. It is your turn now to change the world. Yes we can! Barack Obama

Whatever you do in terms of telling a story, the most important thing that you can define is who you are. John Patrick Shanley

I just do whatever I do, and put it out there without tryin' to cater to anybody. If you like it, you like it. Action Bronson

I do love editorials - you're free to do whatever you want and portray a different character. Jacquelyn Jablonski

Whatever you do,strive to do it so well that no man living and no man dead and no man yet to be born could do it any better. Benjamin E. Mays

Put fourth your best effort in whatever you do...it may be your one and only shot. Jerry Gladstone

At the end of the day, we need to do whatever it takes to move on. Don't be ashamed of any decision you make, and stay strong. Brandi Glanville

Whatever God wants to do through you, He will do in you first. You've got to be what you want to see. Mark Batterson

Look, whatever you do in life, remember, think higher and feel deeper. It cannot be bad if you do that. Elie Wiesel

It's not what you do, it's the way you do it that makes you an artist. Whatever you do do it with all your heart. Be what you are Be creative! Denny Dent

There is inside you all of the potential to be whatever you want to be all of the energy to do whatever you want to do. Donna Levin

Whatever you love, do it now. Time is not on your side. Marty Rubin

Fine, it's decided." Vain resumed his stride. "I'll do all the killing, and you doall the stuff that an Avun-Riah does. Whatever the hell that is. Luke Romyn

Whatever you do, put all your soul, your spirit and your strength into it. Lailah Gifty Akita

Fine. If I can't have you, then you do the taking. Have all of me, part of me, a small piece, whatever you want. Just please, have something. J.R. Ward

Whatever you want to do, do it now. Time is not on your side. Marty Rubin

The one thing everyone in the Republic had plenty of was time. Whatever you didn't do today really could be put off until tomorrow. Jonathan Franzen

Nothing is more important than you,so don't fear or feel stress, whatever you do. Debasish Mridha

Whatever you dream is you find a way to get there, even if you're not paid a lot. Do it for the love of what you do. Sean Hannity

What do you want? Everything. I want everything and I will take whatever I get. Ernest Hemingway,

I love challenges. If you don't have any and can do whatever you want. Then it's probably time to die. Jean-Claude Van Damme

Hard work always pays off, whatever you do. Dustin Lynch

Whatever you do, do not feel sorry for yourself - things could always be worse and they are for someone else! Richard L. Evans

You know, I was a school rebel. Whatever they said do, I didn't do. I was totally anti-everything. Roger Daltrey

I do have a spongelike ear or mentality or whatever you call it, but it's probably a bit subconscious. Paul McCartney

To avail yourself of His certain wisdom, ask of Him whatever questions you have. But do not entreat Him, for that will never be necessary. Hugh Prather

When students ask me today, 'What do you think we should learn from this book?' I tell them, 'Whatever you got out of it.' Sharon Draper

Whatever you do, make certain that your hands are clean. George R R Martin

Sometimes, life is so hard you can only do the next thing. Whatever that is, just do the next thing. God will meet you there. Karen Kingsbury

Be a perfect flow of energy in whatever you chose to do. This is perfect action. Frederick Lenz

Whatever you do, don't make it worse by trying to come up with some flimsy excuse for why you were in the ventilation shaft, Lina told herself. Jaleigh Johnson

It always comes back to just letting go with love. Just put the love in it. Whatever it is, and if you can't put love in it, don't do it! Bhagavan Das

Whatever it is that you do, you are making a stand, either for excellence or for mediocrity. Brandon Webb

The Second Amendment! It says you have the right to bear arms, or the right to arm bears, whatever the hell you want to do! Robin Williams

Whatever you say, old boy. Just look after yourself. And whatever you do, don't swallow the gum! Anthony Horowitz

Whatever you do, put your inner work first. Swami Chetanananda

If it's flipping hamburgers at McDonald's, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft. Snoop Dogg

If you were starting over today, what would you do differently? Whatever your answer, start doing it now. Brian Tracy

[Arthur to Merlin]I'm the Prince of Wales, and you're Welsh. I can do whatever I bloody well like to you. FayJay

So what do you think you're Elvis or something, whatever that don't impress me. Shania Twain

Happiness comes from your thoughts; it resides inside you. To be happy, have happy thoughts, whatever you do. Debasish Mridha

No matter whatever you're trying to do always stay focus because focus is everything. Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Whatever you do, in the privacy of your own rain shower, is your own business Gregory David Roberts

When you're working well, you don't do research. Whatever you need comes to you. E.L. Doctorow

Whatever you do, do it for love. If you keep to that, your path will never wander so far from the light that you can never return. Jim Butcher

Whether it's horses or whatever it is you do, it doesn't become an art until your soul goes into what you do. Buck Brannaman

Whatever you do, don't let your system run you. Robert Genn

Whatever you like to do, make it a hobby and whatever the world likes to do, make it a business. Warren Buffett

Freedom isn't the ability to do whatever you want. It's the willingness to do whatever you want. Seth

There's no data to suggest that I can make you love me whatever I do. Karen Joy Fowler

Whatever you do, do not finish the hard work of developing your gifts only to leave it unexpressed. Bidemi Mark-Mordi

I feel like this: Whatever is in your path and in your heart, you need to do. J. Cole

I think you take whatever it is that you would do for free and you figure out the way to do it. Dana White

I respect you when I don't try to tell you how to live your life, how to dress, how to walk, how to talk, how to do whatever you do in your kingdom. Miguel Ruiz

I've learned it's important not to limit yourself. You can do whatever you really love to do, no matter what it is. Ryan Gosling

We're on a hunt, Cooper. When you're on a hunt, you do whatever it takes. Tamora Pierce

Whatever you do in life, do it with courage, and you won't go far wrong ... Anonymous

In order to accomplish something, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish it. Mike Hernacki

Whatever you do, do it well. Kennedy Odede

I'll do whatever you ask me to. So long as I can be with you. I will do anything. Shoko Hidaka

Excellent wine generates enthusiasm. And whatever you do with enthusiasm is generally successful. Philippe De Rothschild

Freedom is not the ability to do whatever you want. Freedom is the strength of character to do what is good, true, noble, and right. Matthew Kelly

Be prepared to do whatever you have to do. If you get put in a situation where your back is up against the wall let your gun go off. Curtis Jackson

Whatever you want to do is more than possible. It's what you haven't dreamt of yet that will blow your mind Pharrell Williams

Help me by whatever you are pleased to do in your provinces. Muqtada Al Sadr

Whatever you do, do it gently and unhurriedly, because virtue is not a pear to be eaten in one bite. Seraphim Of Sarov

There's only X amount of time. You can do whatever you want with that time. It's your time. Lou Reed

Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine. Jaggi Vasudev

I would really love theater. I would love to do Shakespeare, that would be amazing. You know, it's whatever really comes my way. William Moseley

Whatever you do to gain success, you have to hang in there and hope good things happen. Always think positive. Don Rickles

Whatever you do, act as if you meant to do it even if you're sure you look like a fool. Tracy Anne Warren

Whatever you do, do it completely. Don't do it half-arsed. Do it more than anybody else would. Christian Bale

Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it. Neil Gaiman

Listen, smile, agree, then do whatever you were going to do anyway. Robert Downey Jr.

To be happy:Don't do whatever you like;Like whatever you do. Mary Engelbreit

You can do whatever you want with my work. Kathy Acker

A democracy is a system in which you are free to do whatever you like as long as you do what we tell you. Noam Chomsky

Whatever you do, you should do it with feeling. Yogi Berra

Whatever circ*mstance it is, if you always do your best, then you can't beat yourself up, basically. Lexi Ainsworth

Remember that whatever knowledge you do not solidly lay the foundation of before you are eighteen, you will never be master of while you breathe. Lord Chesterfield

You've got to be pretty confident that you're good. If I do a show and for whatever reason no one laughs, I'll be like, 'Wow, those people are weird'. Aziz Ansari

Whatever you want to do, if you do it with all your heart, it will happen. William Kamkwamba

It's not like I idolize this one guy Machiavelli. I idolize that type of thinking where you do whatever's gonna make you achieve your goal. Tupac Shakur

Whatever good work you begin to do, beg of God with most earnest prayer to perfect it. Benedict Of Nursia

Ox-Bow was a very free place, very open. You could do whatever you wanted to do. Claes Oldenburg

Whatever you want to do, go do it. Ray Lewis

An English philosopher said that whatever is cosmic is also comic. Do the best you can and don't take it so seriously. Bernie Glassman

A man who really wants you will do whatever he must to possess your love. So set a standard. Michelle McKinney Hammond

Worst ideas? Me? Whatever do you mean? There are no bad ideas. Christian Audigier

Whatever you do, do with love to be the success and to find the joy. Debasish Mridha

Hey, when you love a woman, and when she's this crazy in love with you, you've got to do whatever she says, man. Arby Robbins

Whatever you do, stay in love. Debasish Mridha

Whatever You Do Quotes: top 100 famous quotes about Whatever You Do (2024)


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Famous quotes in English
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.John Dalberg-ActonEnglish
Speak softly and carry a big stickTheodore RooseveltEnglish
That's one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind.Neil ArmstrongEnglish
The love of money is the root of all evil.the BibleGreek
54 more rows

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“I have a dream.”

– Martin Luther King Jr.

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Theodore Roosevelt Quote : Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. No matter what you have or where you are, always try to make the best use of your circ*mstances to pursue your #goal. Don't point fingers or whine if you get the short end of the stick.

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Life isn't as serious as the mind makes it out to be — Eckhart Tolle. Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm —Winston Churchill. A real man smiles in times of trouble, gathers strength from distress and grows brave by reflection — Thomas Paine.

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Motivation quotes
  • “Everything you've ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” — ...
  • “The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.” — ...
  • “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” — ...
  • “I have not failed. ...
  • “Don't worry about failure; you only have to be right once.” —
Jan 17, 2024

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Fox Tucker
  • "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." – ...
  • "Opportunities don't happen. ...
  • "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. ...
  • "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." – ...
  • "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." –
Sep 26, 2023

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Short motivational quotes
  • “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” — ...
  • “Opportunities don't happen, you create them.” — ...
  • “Love your family, work super hard, live your passion.” — ...
  • “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” —
Jun 23, 2023

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Famous Short Quotes
  • Everything has BEAUTY, but not everyone sees it. ...
  • Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. - ...
  • The grass is greener where you water it. - ...
  • When you focus on problems, you'll have more problems. ...
  • Fear does not stop death, it stops life. ...
  • They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.

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50 quotes about life
  • "You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated." – ...
  • "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." – ...
  • "Life is a long lesson in humility." – ...
  • "To live is the rarest thing in the world.
Apr 6, 2024

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Positive Quotes
  • “The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.” —Kobe Bryant.
  • “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” —Helen Keller.
  • “If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more.” —Oprah Winfrey.
Aug 14, 2020

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The motto of war is: "Let the strong survive; let the weak die." The motto of peace is: "Let the strong help the weak to survive." "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

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Positive Quotes on Life and its Various Aspects to Keep in Mind
  • "Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out." - ...
  • "Success is not the key to happiness. ...
  • "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - ...
  • "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." -
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.