The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SATURDAY EBRUARY 12 1859 Ml 8 often far Tbs JL RjlIIKIHIK TEAMBOiT di PATENT AGENCIES tiie INANCIAL 1'3 fc Losses promptly adjusted and OP SIRBCTORS Hrtirgs Edward Ronthwertti Charles llrriars Wnbam BinJe Wil 1 is Phelps Lorn aard Data an I Jew day I Wk It Ca'1 cui BTvkr ttfos Childs John Ireiril ci: Mo xiey Hmer oot James Eli kteir Ciiarles Shaw aul2'68taw I irst actor (firing a Uvatural by my hand (The pUtol Bisses) Secood actor (falling ou the stag): 4It is true the pistol missed fire 0 father but I in sVedieneo to ycr paternal wish riD purpoy 8 iDKJXUXJVLS riunri Dav Cbreter Chapin 3 Vinton Stephen Bettie Henry uller Stebbint Chapin ist obi Ur Araald in Ids excellent history of our sh*te that our In dians learned the bcAtiful art of scalping from the rench If this is to do we not find a firvi iUmtrarinn of that law of historic compensation which certain philorophers believe in in the that the rench have eo nc at cube teo best wig makers in the world Takes LIS a race they have we really believe put as many scalps as they ever task Irom tnexscff riag victim' Journal vnghai Game with Elopement A double elopement has recentlyhe section the country and West Alexander east ofe parties' had always madeir neighbors and laid claim espectaQiuty xniswratir ig time a game was gothe elerers resided It me was played tints a chair flaps ws like one if he laughing at this be pursuedhai George tions of theer restrain wed The pursued ar beyond became husbandymg the JTjb lucerp orated A IslO Capital Capita! Enid in Eartdus Cash cn hand ami ii Bank i Kcal Estate untneumbeieJ cneti value) Bill ytcceival'le amply secured gtOl Share' Bank iouk in Hartford 2 200 Kewlort 71U BosUn Pt) Stares Bank of the Stats of Mkwiri are and it Bond 0 per cents Rail Road Stucks trited Stater' Ireasur Notes The 6vU rnuo nonbpnugww toAiMny fe sn Accommodation Train to irtsfiehl nd an Ex pressfrain from lttafl ld Albany I The 7A5 a ra Train from Albany to Bo tos is an AccotrjrodtUK'B Train to fepingfida artester usd Boston The 246 Train from Albany to elon la an Aceomraodatan Iraiu to prmgfield zd an Ex press Train from Spriugfiol to Boson i KAILBOAD IXraxlKWWB isi At Albany with the New Tors Cea'ral Trey and Gnenbush and Endaon Hirer Rai'Toaiis At Chathum with the ilaiierc and Ifodren and Bcstoa J'ci oaJp At State Line with ths Hrms'itasiC Paifroad At Pittsfield with the TitblW i and Worth Adams and Ktockbriiire and Eadiwadn At Wo tavld wpji the Ham'1iire mid Hampden At Spring? cid with the Hartford Sew Hat en and gyring find aua Counoctiout River Ila lrotu At Balmer ith the flew lawdor Palmer oad Wu fanantic and Iteichrrtown and Araberr Itallreads At Woroeeter Junction with tbs Providence aad Worcester Werceser and and Norwich and Worcester Baflrcads 1 Ai Wwoester with ths Boston aaiVwoeatar BaC tc' EMSrijEAafcnyt we without sugar? nicies of tood it forms to our coliec and Viny ways it adds a the situation of me of the lux on ankle of ients The 'iv' ur is ub he thir 'henco: is net DUPEE BECK SAYLES 5 Devonshire strut BoncA BKOKiRS for th? jmrehaso and sa'esf vrv ae criytlon of BNK MAkUACfSRIXG RAKe KO AD and MINING S'HAlteB and State Hy and Igu ca BONDS A monthly review cf i het market with quota tions of all the onrrutt Mcuritiaa will be unt to any addrese desired 113 Cmd piANO ORTES AND MELODEONS WOLCOTT ba coErtantlv on band and for sale A Las3 A Co'? PIaX: eiPAES and Mason fc JfAXtlXa MODEL MELODEONS whose well known rspntitioa is a sufficient guarantee oi their raperiority over other manutacturors New lluoic received at eoen as published pianos taned and repaired A few rede teeth of the depot Main street jl Piancr ortes tuned and re paired the hammers cf old Pianos re capped with buck ekin and made to pre duc? nearly the earn? ocalitv of tone as when new Apptication made at WOLCvn' i Mimic film wfil ceit prompt attention Jf OR SALE cheap for cash or exchange for a good Horse A Piano orte nearly new with handsome Rosewood cae and of superior tone Inquire at the office ll A ROBINSON CO 14 daw Lyman street RANCE I2SSUR ANCE AGENT Ct iflic Hampden Block my9 67 torr A stroke of satire is more eneciive mon me following is an extract of a letter in the Cleve land Plain Dealer purporting to he written by an itinerant showman who called one day upon the communists of Berlin Heights i am at Berlin Hites among tin ree Lovers I arrove hear last Toosday and bitterly doo I cuss the Day i ever sot foot iu this retched plase 1 beam tell of these ree Luvirs iar sum time i thawt ide cum and see what kimi ot kritter thpy was I pitch tent in a field near the Luv Ktire as they call it unfaldid my ban air to the Ereexe Btmefy the people fur to pour into mv show 1 begun to koigrat terlate ntvsclf ot doing Jtavin bisness But tby ware an ornery looWc seL I must say Ibe mens fuses was all ktivcred with bare A they looked barf starved to detli The wimmin waswus no the men They ware trowsis shert gownds and straw bate with fadid green rmbins onto them thev all kerrid kolton uralsrellers in their hands Bimeby a perfectly orlu! lo Aiu 'emails presentid herself to the dore Her eownd was ok'inderlou'lv short her trwsei was shatnt fal to behold Sez she it be? yes th troo 0 tit i '15 sents Sea so ive found yr at it larst 0 at lar Sez i 'yes yu has ion nd me at larst wood have found ne at fust if yu had cum soon Sez she 'Air you a man Sez i think i air but if vou dowi it yon may address Mrs A Waoi Bal Jineville Injianny postage pade she will doubtless give you the required informushun I said I air? The female then trrabd me hv the arm i sez she in a wild voise air mine 0 yu air sez i as i icle sed from her iruu grasp She agate clutched wt by the arm and Yu air my rfilu Sez i 'what upon airth is thow not sez she 'No sez i Sez she man telly ar vears ivo venrned fur thee I knowd thow wait In the wurid sutnwhares i knowd not name or place of residunee Mi hart sed he woof cum i took currige He ha? he is vn aw him yu air my affluerty I 0 tiz two too she bus: out a cryin sez i think it is a darn rite two mutth' thow not yearned fnr rhe yelled ring in her hands like 3 feuiail play actor Sez i a Bi this time a grate krewd of free lot irs hadscollectid around us they all hommessed fur to boiler 'shame' eaettery vtsetterv I was je mad as a March hair Sez i pack of ornery kritters go way from me tail: this retzhed woo nun along witbyu Hi name is Artemas Ward and iine in the show bs ais I pay my bills mr mind my own 'fairs Ime a mairid man my children all look like me if i im a showman I dent go in fur settiu the lavsofm) country at detitucc laint in fayur of yrivatearin or nothin clrc illegal I think yure affinerty bisnis is cnssed nonsense besides Lein outrajusbly I pored 4th my indig nation in this 'iy until i gut out of bretli when stort I took down my tert and shall leevc tins erenin A Horace lee xtew London antic and It PALMER RAILROAD Winter Ar ai7 INSURANCE AGENT meat oouiwencmg Nov 4th ISob Trim leave I'siiHr vt a it anZ 2m Aj plicai oar received and Innrsnc' effected to My cl Ulldon at 8 vrnnm with aotne of th? bet Qflirt? in the com try Traln connect at Pa'mer with crfrs Weiie Agentlw tbe of ft to and from Sj togfieU AlMay and lloston At New London Naw sna Wheeler Sewinr Machines' New London to New Haven and Ne yv? iBit With ftearuerv ai Cottneem CffieewTStwie opposite the Pyntb Bank toNowYwA alS WM STORRS bj 14 itired sb And with tills Jessie bent her head down on the and let her memory have full tick to the time when she was the Wealthy then the same 'te lUOtHUS 01 MlOSv vvu a uv Thiti ab axvry still moro 1 itter which her best Open iU pages and Dav it this morning and only sent ino for a valeuiino of bis love! ins love! ive di earned a wild vakened Ob I have i when I met him it 4 fust tny "ouci nave net is gone and me of my a clerk isl Lim ve in the our celi urlsof OR seven Shires Glas ftv Mauulaclmaip Stock (121 c'rrth Jriaclcy ulls The Confessions op a dying I know it sure I am dying she changing her solemn tones for very shrill ones are quite are sure of said I are very serious ly exclaimed she bitterly lelapsing into her melancholy phase again is what you doctors say but it means death Oh sir I have been a very very wicked woman indeed I have I have three things on my mind which it will do me good I think get dr burdened of they will kill me eke of their own selves and sir I hive not got a soul in the woild to tell them to only you? Sb this dread ful old person had indeed dragged nae out of ray warm bed for the purpose of ''posing in me a dangerous confidence whirl my own good na lurc'inviteu you remex1 er the very stout gentleman bunibed and six? pleurisy? ft inquired from memory The same sir 1 bled him to death doctor hi? own house within the week His friends paid me by the job you see and I was anxious to get it over' heavens cried I to save yourself a little trouble you commit ted ihen a cruel went off like a cried the wyctehed creature ay ologetically there is worse than that: I onee gave a young gent four doses of laudanum in one and you a known when he was dead from when slept But them was murders for ail that I know' certainly were miserable cried I indignantly 'haveyou anything yet more upon your wlihpered she pointing towards the door listening they always does it bless you I knows so well Once only onto as a sinful I smothered a sick man with his pillow that was fur his money he would have died any way be cause he hod the lockjaw added 'he with a long drawn sigh and after a pause feel somehow better and more comfortable like thunks to yon sir? The patient had sunk back fromber sittingpos tare as if exhausted with this terrible narration but I read iu her yet anxious eyes that she had siill something more to say Presently sheagain broke silence and this time the emphasis with which she spoke was mingled with a tone of gratitude Site desired to recompense me I sup pose for my prompt attention and interest and di livercd herself of this advice instead of a your time comes doctor and your friends send for the nuss them pay her by the' hethe lovely bauq bo lies before me n' Herbert Elliston's ir 1 dream but I fune I loved him! rom fie there wosomerbing then my tovev I hart dared to write until mow a the story shill be recordt to i' folly my long wild di eau 11 my "father's at a ball at oar dwn house He parlor when I 'ame down rea'y Their ba said tn sta" eate crape dres with its trimm iz et and the Eamebuds wreathed in a 1 1 my hair were unusually becoming 1 tiful but that cvcnin 1 looked more lovely An me! He rose as I chtei cnnld rriul relmiraiion in his eiCS bowing he introduced him elf He handsome he was better than that uoble 1 I and manly With all bis gentle polite ear manner there was an erect carriage a brig' frank expression that told of a high noble na tare Wo chatted till our cucsts arrived and then I had to derote my attention to others Ln those bright days when' I was courted and ml mired to the full satisfaction of my vanity Her quiet attentions did not seem of any pce lizr value A'tcrwards in the dirk days of meurning and poverty I learned to love him 11 summer friends lull away but waeu was the oiW'res" when the woild looked darkest his deeo voice low and tender snokc of com fort Lis a sustained Lis counsel cliend me Herbert! Herbert! why have you left me? Wbca 1 came here as governess to Miss Lucy and Alice Grey after my day of hard teaching olten of in sult and disrepect from my pup'li an eveningwith him cheered me and gave inn new strength for the next trial Now I shall be alone! nil alone I It is throe months since he told me that he was going to Europe on business for the firm he is with ta be their agent in going away nev erto return I bcaal him calmly I cculdcontrol my feaiurc' but the rapid beating of my heart thn fdntnes thti crent overmc could he have them havetold a different sto ry He never spoke of love to mo yet I believ ed he loved tno There was in his manner a ten derocss a core for my comfort that deceived me Whan he had told me uf his plan bo bent over me and said will youbeserry if I Dizzy with apprehension std with wild hope of yet Keeping him still in my heart 1 tried nr vain to at iwer him calmly I could only mur mur: that all yeu will say to he said in a cold disappointed tone My pride came to my aid Perhaps he did not love me Should I give the first token of love? Never! have not so many friends that I can well spare even I said sadly I only ufiiend he said reproachfully Oh how he tortured me! I was longing to throw my arms anuind him to implore him not to leave me but maidenly modesty de it no less he spoke first I sat cold stiff and Others came into the room and we were alone to gether no more that evening When he went away I came here to my own room and my ag ony bad full vent It maddened me the idea that Herbert would leave me He would speak! he must! Every moment every look when with me spoke of love and yet there was no phrase no word would authorize a respon'O from me I am reserved When I was rich and happy I would favor no lover now I am poor and snail 1 change? Herbert is cot rich yet his salary is large and he stands high with his employers Poverty cannot keep him silent Why has he not spoken? In these long three months we have not met often He has many friends who made him farewell parties nd he had of course prep arations to make for his voyage and long absence Then there is another reason My pupil Lucy 1 Grey fancies that she too loves Herber She is rich and beautiful and has scores of lovers yet the covets my only friend Her vanity is piqued at his indifference and her jealousy aroused at his preference for me When he told her of his intended journey she burst into tears and im I plored him to stay He looked at me fur an in stant as if controstlug my conduct with hers then his lip curled and I felt exultant that my actionshad not called forth the contemptuous i sneer that hers did he does not love I whispered shall respect We have not been alone together since that evening We parted last night with all the Greys around us There was a tremulous quiver innisupwnen ne sain tareweu ani ms uauu grasped mine with such force that it was painful He had no opportunity to speak to roe yet he could have written I passed the parlor just now They are all there Hs Grey Lucy and Alice justttresseu tor a wane cuu ur ir cou'iu miss Hortense Duclerc is there too Valentines are plenty there even little Metl has one My only valentine is here before me breatbitg fragrance and sad memories I will lay it aside first and only gift shall be pre zerved but I cannot look at it Two weary years hare passed since Jessie wrote in her journal and confided to its pages the story of her love Lucy and Alice Grey are married and Meta is pupil yet the scene in the parlor is nearly the same and alas that in the little third story room has chnsgeil but little! Jessie was a quiet reserved girl but her affec tions were strong and lasting eud her love once given could tie: be iccalle She had tried in vain to thrust He bert out from her heart His cruel silence and toe heartless way iu which af ter winning her love lie had aside mer ited her contempt et in spite of all sho lovedfilm He had been ko true a friend tv her Rincc her death so Kind tender in her sor rew so watchful of her interests that her love founded on esteem and gratitude bad 'grown to In part of her life and she eon'd as soon have torn out her hear: or lungs and lived without them as to have thrust oat his image from ns place in' her heart Since be had Anuric? she had never beiud from him No letter came to cheer her ml at la quiet despair took the place of her once wild hope SLehdiheu hi Hint when be lisd tuaiie home in IVtis bo would write to her fur notwithstanding b's silence she firmly believed be loved her It was mysterious aud heart breaking ibat ho did not speak sue forgave it believing that there ww twno reason that she wc' i perttps never know that She sat with her Lend bowed upon the little ta ble with all ibetc memories crowding upon her until aroused by akneck at valentine for you And the grinning little uegiu banded her a bouquet and run down to answer iuisthtr ring at the icr A flood of sweet and bitter recollections sweptcross bruin as she took the flowers and inhaled their perfume A car Lung from the stems wan bername and address upon it G'anc (ff eng iuvucuwnug mu siaggereu nsex auu a fell half fainting into a chair It was is writing Ho had returned the took the flowers in her hands deaiu and hot ti ars fell fast upon them She was alone for Meta had a holidaJy on St Vai day and she wept long nnintc ntipted i then rising tic opened her urawer find t0k out a tex which the also opetrd There lay the bou quet which two yeuiN ago she had placed there and had nevyr looked at since It was put aw ay fresh And b'domiug it by bow wiilwiel and dead? sbuKSaed silently at it a sudden spasm cressed her face and she seized the faded flowersvritte tremtibn' eu remrs Atiny noecntiill 1 in their luxtirian: aves While their beauty lasted lay new reveui atoopg the bare withered stalks She opened it 'After tor two years of bitter si lent ant uisu she read bis patting words of love of tendcnie's He implored her if she could ie tiira a tovii ta writo to hiiti aud said that oaco he mace oivorue arrows the waters she inir s' leave her hie to fort to be its petted uoistress lovd li trK bl? toad were ail offeiw to tote it' rigor words hud 1xei fur two years tado iqckjed iv thia that little box i Josiei' k'as if tie room wcro slipping from bo Heath her fivtl her ifrarn foekl tmd she fell not a falatlnr hutJsiuphed bewildered with thia' flood of happisw' ThetbfrugktthMhe was at Lome VALENTINE'S DAY Slcak Think over ririrt kuW other beverags to our comfort a1 I those who never tv inies modern tiim food sugar was nakni sugarcane from which taiuelwi6 introduced teemh century from still the Moors to who indebted in many ways it was re and tlius became generally kt' Bef sre 'ugar was known in i as a medicine The Span1 sniff ana traduced the cultivation of the eane i Oh plaint tn table tore play "c1 petted c'lil 1 1 memory in: and her re1 "camo knot re own jourtto tv: QPEING5IELD DJSTliTJTlON OR AJ BAYING Incr rporared A DT 27 EsnUng Room Ne 7 i oot Block ccruer of Maia and State 'streets EeeeivM depuute and paya inter estef I percent on ail nttu tram 9ae toOnelhoa candDvtoare JOSIAH W05rBPreriart WILCOX Visa do Eenrt Yews Hssny Ixa Treuz Beuj Day Josiah Ltoe'ser WK cox JI Thompeoa Benry Vose Bfrbbim William Gunn' jylVJSslA TI1 I IVECESfS EAViMiii bank Banking roam ioir PyBehtfa auS: Bieck 'CAIN ST I BBT Iiinte t'ottr iromPtu 12 a ilf ouhoii Vioe IL Leacli Wni 'rouz Wxn it ioe ban i Marv'nrhapln Cuanea Memaw ufiamberia rad A WCtrpm Da nW re chon Than rrer Jr Jienrv A Chapin A Eli Chare 0 I ci lie 7a Smith 4 Boukwood 11 ulkr Jr fip iagflfcd AarOa West bprmgfieia Merrick Palmer Gil bert AHmiui 6iuih Hacley stkiiw Lol yoke Bnymcid Wilbrahaa fl9Jytaw Trj Charite atoh fit tortry ET fji i nd kSAiroewcavM vuvuvivar nim a es no hesitation in Stating that! regard him 0e ri the very belt agents for the transaction of with tlue UEce with whom I am acquainted i ii CHARLES MASON vtcr tit EtomMrrs cf tin Offia Theuato reipied Principal and Assistant in the Dniteu Stales Patent Affhoe hove for veverM years been well acquainted with Mr Samuel Cwf i late a 11 ineipnl Examiner in this ai take sues in stating that lie ie a gentleman of the moral character unquestioned krowledge is tueines and practice of the cfilcs and that aieM)t0 ti tic attainments are Buch ae emiueiAl) tit him its to biulnnett in which lie it about to eugtuN' HENRI vis 1 rinci LD GAIJP I ire gmlterii BHLANB yR PtALf: I Y1W8 KVhRHTr fiOUTHGATK SMK WMC LANGDON un lot aoquaiutiiiice anil bitimate official rrir tiena wita Mr Cooper 1 fully and heartily the faregeing reccinunendsUon made by my Jaw leagues WM JUTtGBRALDj Late Principal Ebb wi rate of ate oreign exchange Drafts at sight on Kngbnd Ireland airo SccfliLuJ can topev cured s' the Chicopee Bank jT HAMeDEiTSAVINGS BANK The anniil meeting of the mrmtor' of the corpor rt jn will be the Agawam Bank oa lliare day ebruary 17 at 3 nu Gil 8 BAIlEY Treasurer TECIPbBN SAVINGS BANKOffice Ilin ttie Agawam Deposit made on or belt re Monday ebruary 21st will Le put or inter est from that date 18 2ad BAILEY Treasurer naiyis'and' Madeira ths Weal Indite and now the demand for it is so great raised wherever the climate and soil are fas to its production It has become cue of the important articles of commerce and daily tore I sutnp t'on In 1S57 the whole production of cat': and best root sugar was 1357605 tons Ch thia I amount SCO CIO "tons were prod ed in Cuba whi1 is the most important sugar growing coun trv in the world The beet root sugar is produced mainly in Europe where in 1857 the crcpf amounted to 222 C46 tons of which 8312b tons were produced in rance In the United most of the cane sugar is produced in Louisiana The first plantation on which it was cultivated was that of a Mr Dubreul in 1758 The crop from this state In 187 8 is estimated as bigti as hog'heads Indispensable as we regard sugar to cur com fort in many parts of the world its use is almost unknown in rance even where so much sugar is produced it is supposed 20000000 never use it and other countnesof Europe probaoiy a std larger proportion of the people are deprived ofit We are the greatest sugar consuming people in the world using each on an average thirty two pounds in Great Britain the average is twenty nine pounds per head: rance nine pounds in Prussia only six Its use has very much in creased in the last few years or instance in 1821 we only consumed six pounds per head Be tide the cane and beet root sugar large quan tities are produced from the maple This was es timated last year to have been 38000 tons in the United States and Canada Efforts have also been made to obtain it from ether sources Our read ers are familiar with the Chinese cane on which so many experiments have been made in this vi cinity and which is generally considered to have been a failure 1 In one respect the use of sugar is important as affecting slavery The production of the sugar canehasbeen seriously diminished Ly the want of laborers and from this cause the price of slaves has been iff a few years greatly in cruised as by their labor the cane 'is almost entirely raised and the supply has been very much behind the demand This has given so much to the slave trade which is sb extensively carried on with hardly an effort on the part of our government to restrain it It is worth a notice also in another point of view We have a duty on sugar entirely for the benefit of Louisiana or years there has been a fishing bounty drawn mainly by New England The South has made a strenuous effort pirobably to be successful to abolish the fishing bounty as a local interest Why should not the sugar duty share the same fate? If we of the North can get our sugar cheaper elsewhere lotus have the priv ilege and let the Louisiana plantations take their chance in a fair Newl'itryport Herald DJRECTOPe Earlirrtcn Charles Boswed Job AllrertUJy iKirey uvv JaEe" Gooawin Cabin DayhntA f' Allvi! Sfcrearv vreixn A cclat nif Ht rtta rv ro U1U rosewra II HuDtfrigtoD President Wto Bowers Actuary Tlite old and reliible Comnaay established for nearly ifty Team centimes to Injure against Lo or Damaze by ire on Dwellings urniture Warehouses Stores Merchandise Mills Manufac tories and most kicils 01 property on its derJ satisfactory terma Particular attention given to insnnnz arm rrop erty ccnsisting cf Dwellings Barns and Builii incs cinuec ed and urnitre Lave o'ctk May Grain anning Utensi's fcc contained in the same for a term of three or five years at low rates prtmium AppHcatic ER for Insurance nny Uc maue 3 un dtrgjgned duly auihcrizcd Agent lor bpringtiela and vicinity Losce equitably aojnsted at this Afftncy auu paid imine iitelv upon satisfactory prooft in funds it iu dit eras cf Wc Bwcon as the assured inayprvicr 14 lyd LADD Agent 4 ETNAlNStRANCETeOMPANY jfV Hartford Conn Capita! aid i rptas L6C6 pgi Xiiceroerated 181 Charter perjartzal to Ripley President A Alexander fee Thomae Braae Jr ecret try Randolph labd Agent CHARTER OAK IRE INSURANCE CO Hartford Capital $30000 and large Surplus JutH Epragne Secretary Jtalphuillet: residtnt KAN LADD Agent CITY IRE LNSURANCE COMPANY of MartZoui Cunn Canital 82K(IM and large gurjlus Waite Secretary CB Bowsw PrerideDt LADD A gen riONWAY IRE ESSU RANCE COM PANY Cenway Mass Capita! and Surplus f2u0W(l David Rogers gecreta James 8 Iiitney President LADD Agra WESTERN MASS INSURANCE Pittsfield Mass Capital S3MIX00 Surplus SbCro'P Goodridge Secretary EH Kellogg President RANDOLPH LADD Agent Ir urance to any reculred amount tan De effected with the above named and other first class Compa iwe in this and other States by calling on the sub scriber at Li" office Ne 4 and 6 Hampden Block over A Store Springfield Mass 016 LADD Insurance Agent 1EW ENGLANOfUTUAL LIEIN SURANCB CO BOSTON MASS Acsumu latedlund WOt'OJJ Last Dividend 30 percent Tbe oldest and most successful Life Ins Co in New the insnrers participat fog in the profits Philips President Chanes Curtis Marshall "Wilder Thomas A Dexter Charii a Hubbard St wall Tappan George olgerK Reynolds Patrick Jackson A Thax ter Jr Beni Stevens Secretary SNO1KS Agent for Springfield and vicinity Hampden street21 IjM rrilE SUBSCRIBER HAS ALWAYS JL tor eale PIANOORTES carefully selected from Gilbeet fc Cc'sand ether celebrated manufacto ries and offers at the lowe prices instru ments in any style of cases unsurpassed is depth purity and richness ef tone and durability ot work manship with a'l the modern improvements and either with or without Gilbert improved patent 2E0LIAN ATTACHMENT Having had twelve siccesstel experience in the Piano trade every instrument will be fully warranted PIANOS TO LET THOMAS CHUBBUCK jl'50 ly Main et opposite Chicopee Bank IMMINENTLY SUPERIOR TO ALL 'A ethers for sweetness and purity oi tone de'icsi vf'ttich and finish are the celebrated MELODEONS Of Mtrril which nave receiveu ine irst Premium and highest distinction at the last Mass air the Metropolitan air aud others for their unrivaled excellence Prices front to 83ri 'D subscribe' is sole Agent tor this vi cinity and a uiety of st may always be ibnad at his Piano orte and Heiodeon tocsns Mam stre coposite Chicopee Bank jlu91y THG5L4S CHUBBUCK artford fire insurance Cl PANT HARTORD CONN nane rpesuiu feLCttlJfrJ LqO0 ism: crormus A bf UTS A AT 1 reus Cpli in baud ef A teats and fransr S'Slfio 22 54J27 09 JfODIO 73174 55 2304 3 00 19775 CO 7 16 0 GO III 'W Oj 7424500 162te 00 14035 ft) f037G9 SG 1 jVir ll John ace Cbarle Bu again within reach of her voice aroused her trod she rose and grasped the fresh flowers Yes as she had hoped there was another tiny note hidden away amongst its roses It was shorter than the last and ran thus or two Itng years leave watched and waited for the answer to the letter I wrote you the day I sailed for Europe I could not send it openly ter Miss Lucy threatened to open any I wrote you Stio said it jestingly but I bebevd her 'capa'ole of the artton Yet surely you found it after the flowers faded if not before Cannot you love me? I have hoped and despaired iu turn and pew I tempt my fortuae again I aui here for two months and then 1 re turn to Paris May I hope net to rerrn alcne 1 will come von this evening 1 tbcn adiea Herbert said Mra Grey at tea time am with Meta to spend the evening at Lucy She exoects some friends Ion will not mind staying at home Jc sto lin eiel long at the iooKing iass teat She was net rich enough to have costly dress but the warm crimson merino and acu leate iaca eoCar suited her well Exdtement had ent a rich color to her cheeks: and the soft brabis cf coIdea brown hair shaded a jaee ot rent lovelme If two long years of sorrow had taken irom the roundness of her furin it had given a deep touchin expression to herwhoe face The large soft brown eyes now gleamed with love and tamed hope He was in the parlor bhe came in sotly ami heriit step fell silently on the soft carpet Close beside hha her soft 10 to madebim look Ona look into her eyes and then he her in his arms Jessie! he saidr: "ifnlJy 'it has I ecu a weary time since we Tv 1 'A 'irv time indo she said sadly 'And yu wsld not shorten 1 1 ii the explanation and then two re one yellow and soiled by ftoet me roernu I the gr at grief and urea: joy of athto her on Si Valentines I Em: MASSACHUSETTS IifUTUAL LIE INSURANCE COMPANY Owuce no 8 oars BuiLsnw SPRINGIELD MASS ijitad tan! Acenmuitoed Barpiue Angust 1 1858 3220960 2i This Company: organized usfirr the' of tbla State A 3 Itfil has just closed irs seventh financial year and is in a sound and Lraltby conditi its Ousinew ami surplus having eteaefly increased every yar sin rte organization JotioSe! isaed on three distinct systems Life or those on which the preaiuia ta paid tverv rear during the whole duration cf li 2 Term er tho issued fr a specified number cf years and not participating in the profits fi True: run or those oq which the wtafle premium for life is paid in ten annual installment Tlie plan cd the organization this Company and Jis method of transacting buaines combines till the advantages ef a purely mutual wdh Use aau stability it a Mock company Boaiiv ox Diksctobx Caleb Rice 11 uller Jr 7 Px auh HtockbrMge Junr Kirkham Holaurs Mtailey Tyler Sylvanos Ada pa Wia ke OisCtdltw Albert Morgan A Chapman WC Bewiea jaczatr Boat Jus Brooks 3 JL Lambert CALEB BIC3 PtteMaal BZJXW Secretary Sr A roavvteT Medical Exasisn 2C SAVINGS BANK (SPRINGIELD Office nt the Agawam Bank Et pKifr received every business day from fam to '8 in STEPHEN HEM 13 reGdent Vice Presto tuts Chester TV t'hxpreD Harris Hiphaiei Irate Springfield Margin oi jilutr tnuel 8 Dsv rancis Sates Anorew ttota'ion Toomas Waron Tynr Wan taser rho Btelcnnq Henry Gray Bpringfi Id jy sqnthwarth wia Me'cher West Springfield a Ltafs Uotyoke ljnL Mensem Secretary A Soule Trcawr8 Bailey £taouta ouaiU at anytime bi tweea the carter euniic tie tiico Monday cf ebruary May August and November wui be ui on interest on the quarter poeit at the rate oi five per ti p' sniinre fr IfsPh 1 ti aw ir nu 1 VTC ayh ollllhu a nd it navnjitei io 1 Business Notes Mortgages Kailcoad State and City Bonds Railroad Manulactur: rod other fc'tocks araUq Houses City Lota Md deal Estate generally fought and sold PviiiirD pres cntedand Land Warrant Office IJampfVu near the bpriugttid i XTEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN Lx CO No 1 Hanover Street New Yohk 1559 DIYIDTND The Hoard of Direerei hui this day declare 1 ii Dividend of Three (3) Dol lars per share ou be Capital Stock of this Company payable at tle Hike of tee Company iu New York on anil er the Itkh iast "WM BMENT Ti a 1 How A jtentfe bis'ai ro re re can a' er id' de? ridiculou bus even out ly trsscrwas hi Snangbni anu her risibles when consequence was that and caught by him onto the eyes of the company restive under the intimacy betv and Miss Certist and emmenceu sama game with a Mr May iu the way of retalia tion Night alter night she laughed at his won derful crowing aud the morning after the last party ran off with him leaving her husband two children to take care of Instead of doing so however he ran off with Miss Curtiss MASSASOIT INSURANCE COMPA NY ot SPRINGIELD MASS OICE ORT BLOCK Cash Capitol JiSOMO Cah urjdus ff6696739 This Company will insure Real and Personal Pray erty against ire co as favorable term as simJar IUKBCTCRe William Birnie A ChafiL Henry Grav Oov if' A Sonic SAMUEL a DAY resh 1 A HaPIMV re SPRINGIELD IRE AND MARINE INS CO OICE ORT BLOCK Capital 5150 200 Cash Surplus S2 Continues to terete against loss or daina by ire Also against the hazards of Manne and Inland Nav igation on aB favorable another wcl established 1K1L lekLLta AAUffi paid BOirn Eteto ree aa Chester Chapin Marvin Cbspla Harris fc Merrick Albert Msrsan ffa' XtJ EDM CND REEMAN Preriiteit Wm Coxxze Jr 5Dly Hampden fire enhance co OICE NO 2 PYNGSON BANK SLOCK 8PSJNGIELD EASS Capital 5150070 Cash Surplus $75T09 Centirni to insure hazards by fire on Eta and I'ere nol on favorable terms Dwelling Houses and ttssir tertJanta UrttaJ from use to three years OT PtCWHfc: Hon WM CAL'IVUN Presid'it Job tnrcEox Sesretary MKscrora: Wilns belna Bond Ansel rtr lpsh Roger 8 Metre Jos Bynchuii E4wm Seeger Ifcenrv Alrevmder Jr Wm Montagne IVOKCESTER AND NASHUA RaEI rvYtv 11VTX Asff'ZX UlUnKT UTuD ClOTT fc 1 MEERST BELCHLKIUWN AND Cn and after May llrh 1483 Trata rV PALMER RltROAP On raa ssfoUe 1858 Iraiss will rn as fellows: Leave fimheret Worecrter I'sud 1115 a ato 48Q ior Bauoer at il30 a Lve tor Amherst LeareNaehnaT a re 12 is an 4 515pvt at 2J0 tn connecting at Italuwr with trains it and At Nushna Ultabta ciinusct itb tiro tramM offi Itoten Springfield Albany New Ted Concord Raifruaawtiere passengers fait tbec Hew London and from tle Northern tLePas oip is th9 ngero taking the Mafl Trains from Albany or fionoord auJ Aroirjeid and tiia Vet asst CsmJ York for Springfield or the! 50 1 trtun east teOroad from fteriii' iieij WILL NOT AIL TO CONNECT At Gretas Jmrtlci trsusn connect directly wlp trained! the Stony Brook Railroad anS Stare at Belchertown for Enfield with trains of the iitchbvrg BaHroa with the Greenwieb and Dana At A beret for KortUmp oeptiou Ot the lift tram fro mBoe oi and at Ifra ton Hailey North Hadler nnderlaiid Ac burg with trans of the Vetaqpt sroi MossacUwta Bt PAJtsONS ana Cheshire RaLrc tas or further partloriau aud conutcGccn with wi MUSICAL I A LTZHUUH TEACHER MUSIC Applications may be made at A' A Adey Mueie Store JY b9 New haven Hartford and see iutfitaatr roiiwv guu tr the SPRINGIELD PJHIHOAD On bta(J bttixy orrotn 3d lS5'3Truiri'ilaveSpringS'k 3 May 19 15 atenoest 7W a Accommodation Train for Hartford wcroest may CONNECTICUT RIVER RAILROAD LO fk a rraiii icr Hartford only I tfrwileftve 12 Um ia Train for Hartford AIMdlttowa I At icrkeeire snanjl ipoiiiu cHb ogb JnnrtioD Merideu WJlhjjienU New nectwg atOreciiUMl With fc forBva JUven and New York AtLSO ra tor heeneWiiidsar and Aocornaiodatjon Train for Middletown eteticus JonctioHa Hartford New Haves New At 1040 a (fright and asaeHrr) rod 80ft York and Way fctation (or afterarrivid miring Express irauis from 8rr xp eaa Train Jnr Hartford Mifrlrtown York and Albany) Northampton Junction Menden New Huven and New 730 12 JO and 6 30 in in additlct te Yok ilEED SeiHsriuieudroU Chicopee and Chiocpee alla Hartford Oft 30 158 fos spilj leati Chicopee iaL at 330 a 100 ani 700 jc PROVIDENCE AND Cbicome Junction attiyW £40 and 11 45 a Summer Arravgemeni to take iad 545 fur Woreifr fu and uy States nt7J5 tod a tod 4 JO 42N ul I rkteeouiieirt al Waster Jtortiou with trains trains for Albany and the we wrth raorniej to and from tb Western Worker and Kushta aadtw Boston uni Worcester and Norwich ami Wwceswr Jan HALKI8 1 re Bril roads Through TOtet to al! important points at the West ciunaqiiaineurrihefiureoiroevewyjujsuJtv vzvbre sxm rerw iTAree finite if as Jon rates as by smvotiit uute XTEW YORK AND aEW HAVEJJ Trains to and from Vtatey oils and ravMeaoe L5 STEAMBt AT £110 will leave as Inflow): ELM UlTYCapt Lewis will ii Valley alls for Pro 1 'derett flff 7 30853 848 New Haven omMONDAYB WEDNESDAYS and 100S lltto aud lC0123 3 20 S00 4W 530 RIDAYS 11 60) and I The steamer TRAVELLE2 (recently refitted aa ier I' talsat ui 16753930 furniteieJ new boilers) will leavellew Havre 1C3C 1145 a 1200 avZ 1502350 420 on TUESDAYS ano IfATURDAJfi £30 20 and 800 ra at 11 o'clock arriving in New York in time fc Ktkose in figures are the Worcester the morning train' of the Erie Hudson River aal trtins1 2 TABOR flupt Railroads Providence May 8 1868 my 12 Passengers by the boats wili have a good nigtr vut rest on board and avo arriving in hew Ton TY ALTORD 1 RGVlDENtE AND niidnigln and lit ng lan lea iu the upper part! ze Jul 17SH KILL On and after Nov city 17211334 Trains will ran as follows: Leave New York daily Sututeyi Going West exoepted at 3 o'clock Biilrrad passenger tea Leave Providence at SjOlff ta for remain on hoard overnight with cut charge and take Hartford I the early morning ain j20 Leave rovideroce at 646 for Plainfield and reight from Ne ark will reach Springfield rd York via Norwich all stations on the Connecticut liivor Railroad tin Leave field at a and 418 next morning RICHARD ECK Agent Leave iViilnnantic at iv a ano uj Leave' Willimantic at k45 a for Hartford and Waterbury Arrive at Hartford at 1080 a 1215 id 650 taATENT AGENCY for AMERICA and rftard a a rr anil 4 15 A EUROPE No 4 Court Street Tle sub Ptahivilie atHn ui 5 teVrc scriber having had several experience the A Water bnrv a and 6 40 nim business of securing Batento oilers his services to in Connect at artfoid witafltapreta train for ew ventors and gentlemen interested in New Inventions Eorfosfleld tapress Iraan fo Aew MdDeBl an Agcnt 10r soliciting Patents a YcaBdfcfrJionua America and Em ope He will prepare caveatl spe Lve Waterbury at a rad citications rod drawings bouds and awijgnmenU will mm di 1 ir atWn for AJ1 Models Ac left at thisoffice will belt iSre Wnfmantie 1 warded to th I'ateui Departmen I promptly and tre Leave Plainfield at 656 940 aud 335 of expense Artis in Provident at 915 1120 a ana 515 I Anw neaa and 1'oreisa Patents gAMUELNOTfgupl jj ppy cf PATENTS CANAL Winter Arrange JLv (Late Agent of Ps teit Office WafluL oomrnencing Tuesday Dec 21rt 1858 STATK rRTonwaiteilby 'st BOSIrt Trains will run daily 'Sundays excepted) as Isllows: ifi STATH bIKLEI opposite teitoy er KVuAA Leave New Maven at After an extensive practice of upwards of tatstj 605 am freight train with pa eengercarattazhed years continues to secure Patents in the DiM tar rivin at 115) a i9 65a Jor on serrivaTofSjii) a Impress trala sign countries Caveats Specifi rations Assignments from New York Connecting at orthaaopton with and all I apers er Drawings for 1 luents executed train en Connecticut Riv Riut oad for Greenfield liberal terms and with despatch ResearclPsntee Bellows Kalis and Northern KaProade into American er foreign works to determine the vs Receiving passengers at Werfield from trains on bdity or utility if Patents or inventions and legal Western Railroad from the East and West or other advice rendered in all matters touching ite 4 00 or on arrival of 1245 Vain from same Copies cf the claims ot any patent furmeted New York connecting at Plainville with train en by remitting cue dollar AssignEwsuta record ft Hartford Providence and ishkill Kailroad going I WMbington iL West and at Westfield with trains on Western Rail This Agency tenot only the largestin NewEiiglato road going East and West Receiving passengers but through it inventors have advantages forsecunug from Hartford Providence and ishkill EailroMl at patents or ascertaining the patentability efiivei Plainvl)e and from Vain on Western Railroad at tions ainsnrpassed byftif not immeasurably superior Westfield from Boston Woraestar and Springfield to any which can tofeffered tholscwhereftlhetw iAnvp Northamrcn at timomatebelow given prove that none is MORE SVC 635 a for New Haven connecflng at Wiefield CE8SUL AT THE PATENT OICE than tte wfthtnon sirilmr: and asS ny Troy and the West at New Haven with 960 a I ADVANTAGES AND ABILITY he woujd add train for New York and intermediate Gallons thatbehasabnndantreosontolelieveandcanprcve Passengers for the Hartford Providence and ishkill that at no other office of the kind are the charges ft: Railroad will take this train to Plainville professional services so moderate The immense 1110 a in connection with VaiaouCcnnRiver practice of the subscriber during twenty years part Rail oad from the North Genii fitting at Westfield enabled tern to accumulate a vast collection cl with Vains on Western Railroad geing East and specifications and official decisions relative to patents West and at Plainville with train on Hartford Prov These borides his extensive library of legal and me jdence and ishkiM Railload going East AtNew ohanical works and fidl accounts patents granted Haven with 205 Express vain for New York in the United States and Europe render him able 12 40 freight Vain with passenger car attach beyond question te offersuperisrlaCuities fcrobto ed for New Ba' en connecting at Plainville with ng patents train on Hartferl Proviileate and ishkill Railroad All necessity of journey to Vi sshington to pm going West cure a patent and the great delay there av COLLINSVILLE BRANCH TRAINS here saved itvtirtUL Leave Ccllius ille a 7X0 a aud 245 Re turning leave Plainville at 1230 and 626 I 1 TtomtOxtALff REIGHT NOTIeE regard Mr Eddy as one si th? meit cepaam reight tmtoa leave New York daily (Sundays ex iuoxmuI practitioirota with wbroi I have had oeptedJ corner ranklin and Center streets st 615 intercourse CHAS MANON" andtvrireatNorthampteinatI15ia Leave of auiM Northampton at 1330 and a riva in New York rove no hreitauen in assuring Inventors wa to 1235 a Through without change ofears Daily linesei Stages run ircre fl orihanipt on to Am worthy and more capable ef putting their appiica herst Williamsburgh Haydenville lorence and tions in a form to secure for them an early Hadlev rom Collinsville to New Hartford and able consideration at tlie Patent Office Winsted Cbesbireto Waterbury EDMUN JBURKE DENNIS General Agen MtllowmisnonerofMio: ew Haven Die 21st lt 58 328 ebruary 8 TL Eddy hasmado for roe THIRTEEN ap YX7ESTERN RAILROAD BOSTON plicatk nr on all but OWE of bioh patents have tuen 1TRHIY and TROY granted and that one is now pending Such unmis Arrangements eoiuiLwting Monday No takable proof of great taletit and ability on his part vemberlet ISw leads me to ret mend all inventors to apply tc Pn enger Trains leave Borion followa: toprocure their pate nts as they may be sure of hev or Albany and Way Mta ious Aesommodatioa inK Ue most fiuthi'al attentrom bestowed on ir st a fur New York EW a i very naatmable charge 1 aud Way Stations Accorosiodalcnst! SO New York and Albany Express 800 rom Sept Lth itoi to June 1 th 18o8 treio Rmteuger Trains leave Worcester as foHows: ffonbor in conrse of bn re practice ie or Albany and Way StaUous Ancommoeaiioo rejected applications SIXIEN APPEALS kVbht at 1) for New York to 0 £9 a hi ONE of which was deddcdi lui bov by the Gem Albany as 1 A'ay Stations Accommodation at? 33 missionar of Patents RHhlWi New fork and Albany Express 4 30 pm hiew Yirkbtironv Mail Train Kavts Worcester at TEalO United States and rOitogn00 XV PATRNT AGENCY renger Trains leave pringffGdw follows SAMUEL COOPER late Principal Examiner of a Jw Albany rod Way SIUcdb 400 1215 I trote the Uxrit od States Dt OfC6j at wfe' rod C30 in ingUn bus removed bis office ta Wwtefete wad BteUn at 715 a in n4 13) WEBSTEH TAiiK BD1WING and kxpresa 500 1 Kxr reight Train fnuday Mad Iriin atenteseetfotheUnHcdStftteM teaves pringtieVl at 1000 in I jiatent grantirg ootntries and Train leave Albany a foUewr: 1 nigs prepared Caveatafiled ur Hpriugld Worasur rod at 7 tea cured of applications that liave been rejected xn and 2 i5 hi imperlcctly prepared popery InterlervnceB I The 933 a Tramf vm woreieran cuted lie tone rod ex undone p4xcan4 inodaUon will make the steps at Way Hi I general all bnsinew connected with the Ulfs trnDcacted with cure and 9 S01 Twin 8 ro Aocm British and foreign patent procured TraJn ta bpringlteM rod ro lixprose Tnua prompt and confidential rwhU in London and Psta to New York I en ons redding at a dtetance way obtain all The Train from Acccm gjy information and have their transact xnodaUsn Train to rod will make the steps by writing to the subscriber without Clio trouble at Wiy fHationa 1 expense of vieltto Wa The 430 Train from THmrcr ie an xprew lie bega Have to refer those uxacquainted wittUt Train to ISew York and AlUxy rod will not stop at to the foBowtog ir Way Stations I litA uMria ef The 06 a and 1 5ft a Train fran SpriagfleM 8 Patikt Ojwk eb 23 IS66 to Worcester and listen are Acwmacdauon lYtans I I take grett pleastu in staling that dor teg tbe time tsdudl op ax Way butiviis have been acting as Cc njunssioner or Patent 'f'hAfiinn Tram irewn lf Wnptatttep I Cnremi rzvM PrA nvvTOftouiu st siv WVMV I jyrwj IH WVAI mil Botonwaa Express Train awl will net sup at Solicitor ami has been in that capacity in ccustato War Station" I I correspondence andiutetoounie wXk office The Express reigbt ata will stop at 1 hag evmced a thorough acquaintance with the Pauot fltatiOM Does gc vt of Worceriej lw and with the nSea and practice of the office The 7 JK) a and 12u5 Trams from Sprier I close attention to the interests of bfo clients am fold to Albany are Aeocsittodailwi Traing aud will marked candor and courtesy thal have rendered toeton at Way Stations transaction of business with him A pleasure Ikari Thu "It nx tt Tetlin fnnsn Ri' irra kzl Xatn a i i i fl i fkpnHmin ''iV i't fit 4 I I.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.