The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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The Weather CITY NEWS GENERAL NEWS EDITORIAL Details of Weather on rage 2 SPRINGIELD MASS: OCTOBER 11 SIXTY OUR PAGES IDEA MEN ONCE Jn Ohio Landon Raps BRUCE ERNST STARHEMBERG COUNT JERZY TOTOCKI parties 1936 REED DENOUNCES DEAL AS PINK COALITION against putting a Republican DEENSE OR ISLANDS 9 Bi NEXT' PRESIDENT ACES NO MYSTERIOUS COURSE 403851 519865 SAN MARTIN HIGHWAY PROBABLE SPEARHEAD asking you to vote for Lan But if your judgrneht so HEIMWEHR ABOLISHED WITHOUT RESISTANCE CRITICAL CHEERING OR ROOSEVELT MOSCOW RESENTUL CHARGES RIOTS BREAK OUT AT DEMONSTRATION BY METZ RIGHTISTS DAWN ZERO HOUR IS SUGGESTED OR ATTACKING MADRID BROWDER ENEMIES MUST GO TO COURT TO BLOCK AIR TALKS Avoids Acknowledging Ethiopian Conquest SLS au and see City Officials Oppose Limit Of $25 On Municipal Taxes THE union Nazis to They Hold if Russia Gives Aid to Madrid Glad He Steered Clear of EPIC Spending and Other Projects It Is Said Democrat Republican Tha Philadelphia record reduced the' of 468194 in 1932 year in Pittsbur increased officials partly to the inauguration of permanent registrations in 1934 and to a vigorous registration by the party organizations ascists May Wait but Are Said Sure to Make Push by Midweek ESTABLiaHED BY SAMUEL BOWLES WEEKLY IN 1824 DAILY IN 1844 SUNDAY IN 1878 Latter May Quit Noninter vention i i Duce Speeds Plane Building TOMORROW COMES EARLY ON CLIPPER MAY PROPOSE PHILIPPINE PACT ENVOY TO TAKE PART IN ETE HERE TODAY Way I does nothing to solve this Moscow Oct 10 (AP) The Tass official Russian7 news agency reported tonight that Germany announced it would consider itself to should Russia denounce the Spanish nonintervention pact ROOSEVELT HOLDS CAUSE JUSTIIES RELIE SPENDING Manila I A new council of national defense for the Philippine commonwealth has been set up by President Manuel Quezon Ex officio members include the president himself as chairman Vice President Sergio Osmena as vice chairman and all other members of the cabinet There is a huge preponderance of expert opinion in opposition to a pro gram of overall tax limitation city officials revealed yesterday in discuss ing the movement that has been launched to bring abouta tax lifait of $25 a thousand in this state Com ment among officials at City hall was almost wholly in opposition although there general agreement that there was need to shift some of the tax burden from real estate City Auditor Albert Neale read a paper on tax limitation before the Massachusetts Municipal and association at Northamp ton Wednesday outlining both sides of the question The association later went on record as opposed to the pro posal for a constitutional amendment for a tax rate limit of $55 on real estate The vote was prompted Air Neale said by the feeling that' such a lim itation would have a purely negative effect on municipal financing It is a necessary corollary to such a plan that means be found for revenue from other sources and simple limitation on the tax rate on real estate west of Madrid which Joins the main Talavera Madrid highway near Alcor con about 10 miles from the capital The only natural defense along this route wojild be the forest near theAlberche river eight miles from San Aartin ranco leaders said personally would direct the' attack which would 'be supported by other columns under Gen Emilio Afola in command of the northern ascist army Earlier the ascists announced their warplanes had blasted apart the only remaining railroad line from Madrid to the southeast The planes accomplished their mis sion during a bombardment of Aran juez strategic city 29 miles southeast of Madrid With the railroad destroyed the ascists said an important food source to Madrid would be cut off Likewise government' leaders could not flee toward Valencia when Ma drid is attacked 7 Insurgents tonight were reported massed against Escorial 31 miles northwest of Madrid and south of the Guadarrama mountains Columbus Oct 10 (AP) Gov Alf JI Landon led his Lake states presidential drive into the heart of Ohio today with a call to combat what Mie called "the growing menace of one way government after the Eu ropean rom Cincinnati northward on a five stop trip the Republican nom inee contended that the new deal "kind" of government leads to regi mentation and regimentation to straight jacket on business and labor and agriculture with all its blighting 4 Campaigning from his rear plat form and rallying party workers to what he termed "the battle of our Landon made two ad dresses in Cincinnati and talked at Hamilton Aliddletown Dayton Springfield and London He relaxed here in his eight day tour of Ohio ederal Commission Has No Power to Act On Patriotic Complaints of Starhemberg Bows Peace fully to Dicta torial Move and Departs for Onknown Destination Soviet Delegate Threatens to Withdraw for Good If Accusations Are Used becloud Real Issue 1 IRE DESTROYS YACHT ORMER LOCAL MAN 7 Bridgeport Ct Oct In the third' yacht fire here in two weeks the 40 foot cruiser Gray Dawn owned by A Wallin formerly of Spring field Mass 'was destroyed today in a blaze of undetermined origin The boat was anchored' off the PotatuckYacht club at Stratford Noone was on the cruiser at the time and yacht club employes attempted to tow it ashore Damage was $2000 OUSTING RIVAL SCHUSCHNIGG GRIBS AUSTRIA not hp some days but sofar 1 71 nm 144350 count another Republican lead to 116014 this The Democrats swept ajjead tor rue nrsx time The total was attributed by New Envoy rom of to Be ormally Received at Washington but Officially Territory Still Is Under Reign of Haile Selassie Reports Scattered rom Coast to Coast Reflect Unpre cedented Interest arid Herald a Total Several Mil lion Above' 1932 Mark of 39816522 POSITION GIVEN IN REPORT ISSUED BY SOVIET as the first his majesty emnpror of Ethiopia" but the American govern ment had stipulated' in advance that his reception would not constitute recognition of the Ethiopian conquest in pursuance of its policy of non recognition of territory acquired by force The bespectacled former Italian (Undersecretary of foreign affairs suc ceeds Augusto Rosso recently trans ferred to Rome Administration officials were fear ful that the new re ception here following an nexation of the Ethiopian empire would be interpreted as implied recog nition of Italian sovereignty over that territory unless this government ex pressly went on record to the con tra ry Voicing hope for an improvement in trade relations Suvich called on Washington Oct 10 (AP) Ar ranging tonight to extend a fornjal reception to Italy's new embassador ulvip Suvich the United States care fully guarded against acknowledging (Italian sovereignty over conquered Ethiopia Suvich was designated representative here of "the king of Italy and Britain Japan rance Hol land arid Russia Possible of Guarantee of Independence Washington Oct The United States may ask Japan and European powers having interests in' the ar East to enter a pact pledging respect of the independence of the Philippines it was today The advisability of step has come up in connection with the pend ing negotiations over Great Britain's proposal for maintenance of the stat us quo of British Japanese and Amer ican fortifications in the Pacific Some state department officials con sider these negotiations afford a good opening for discussion among the powers of the underlying question of thct island common wealth rom the American stand point the Philippines are the crux of the whole fortifications issue The Philippine independence act di rects the President to broach a neu tralizing treaty at an unspecified time before the islands attain independence in 1944 Potential signatories would be the United States Great Britain Japan rance Holland and perhaps Soviet Russia Secretary of State Hull was repre sented in responsible quarters as hav ing made no decision on whether to sound out the powers formally on their attitude It was considered likely that this government would put out at least informal feelers to Brit ain and Japan while the fortifica tions issue is being threshed out Any immediate settlement of the problem may be postponed because of deep seated differences between President military and naval on Pacific policies and strategy 't 7 It And Real Estate Men Agree Springfield Could Not Meet Its Operating Costs Unless New Revenue Sources Were ound INDING AVORS SON IN WILL ATHER A finding in favor of the defendant is made in a report filed yesterday in superior court by Special Master rancis I Gallagher on equity pro ceedings by Irene Dowd versus (Daniel Sullivan The parties are children of Patrick Sullivan for mer Holyoke police officer who died December 19 J935 The case involved a change in beneficiary from the daughter to the son in the will The will included death benefit of J1000 due from the Holyoke Po lice Relief association and payable to the beneficiary named by Patrick Sullivan a Yilajor address on agricul reqpia The PrcsidentroAlIed attention tohis anQtto carved over the entrance of the Nebraska capitol "The salvation of the state is watchfulness in the Then he added mark and inwardly digest separating the wheat from the chaff of a national campaign 1 believe the American people know how to separate the wheat from the chaff and why confident of their verdict on the third day ot As he had done in morning ap pearances on the back platform of his train as it came through Iowa the chief executive asserted here the Polish EmbassadorTp BeHonored Today By Local Residents Newsmen Cross Dateline Soon After Leaving Mid way for Wake On Prelim inary light By CHARLES HARNER Aboard China Clipper flying to Wake Island (Sunday) Oct 11 (AP) The China Clipper bearing five newspaper tourists preliminary to regular passenger service from Califor nia to the Philippines suddenly car ried us into tomorrow I Heading out from Midway island at 519 a Saturday (1219 T) we soon crossed the in ternational' dateline as we soared to ward Tiny Wake island 1185 miles away It was Sunday for us although football teams throughout the United States were playing Saturday games We were roused from deep sleep in the recently constructed Midway hotel for future transpacific passen gers and in the darkness of early morning were carried by launch to the Clipper anchored in the lagoon BRAZIL COIN LEGEND MYSTERIOUSLY sh*tED Rio de Janeiro Police in nearby Nicthcroy opened an in vestigation after a tramway conductor turned in coins inscribed "Death to Getulio wherd usually ap pears the legend of the United States of Last November President Getulio Vargas put down an army uprising identified with the Third Interna tional headquarters in Moscow Si multaneously he proclaimed a mild form of martial law still in effect In office since 1930 he was provi sional until the middle of 1934 when the first Chamber of Dep uties under the new constitution chose him constitutional president of the republic A other side Mr Neale said Assessors Opposed Chairman Robert Berry of the board of assessors was also outspoken in opposition to simple limitation of the tax rate He said that it ould be better to set up a limit tht would not allow real estate to bear more than a ccrtain percentage of the cost of gov ernment" a Assessor Harry A Oltsch said that he saw some advantages to such7 a plan and some disadvantages and planned to study the question further to see which side had the balance of power in his opinion Assessor Stephen was opposed to the tax limitation program Mr Neale pointed out that the city of Springfield would have been about' $2000000 short in its budget this year had there been a tax limit of' $25 a thousand on real estate with nnew revenue Such a situation' might lead to borrowing to meet the deficit as it has done in some cities where there has been a tax limit ho said am not prepared to 'give a well (Continued on Second age) Calls for Drive On of Ruling in Beginning Tour of States Assails Insinua tion He Is Dodging Liquor Issue Secretary Hull today to pay his respects He will present his creden tial formally to President Roosevelt at the first opportunity "One of my first told newsmen "will be to Inaugurate 'dis cussions looking toward reopenfng of negotiations for an Italo American reciprocal trade pact 1 "I feel that my recent revaluation of currency provides a base for real improvement in com mercial relationships between our The new envoy commenting on re ports that he Intended soon to take up with the United States govern ment the question of defaulted war debt said could hot discuss the subject at this time Says His Policies Increased National' Income by 22 Billions in Talk at Lincoln Neb Lincoln Neb Oct 10 President Roosevelt told a large crowd in' capital today money expended during his adminis tration to families from was spent in a good cause afid confidence's at the outcome of the' November elec tion He also said: "ThereY never has been and be a federal tax on farms Or homes as long as I have anything to do about it" Mr bb'ehed 'hW campaign throng 'estimated by state officials' at' 40'000' clustering around 'flag bedctkcil' 'stand In the middle of 'street' 'in front of impressive' $10000000' 'house Afterward Tie drove to his special train' for a to re he Xfras to deliver to mgnt ture Austrian Heimwehr Chieftain Yields To Order Illinois and Indiana for an afternoon of football The Kansan saw the Ohio Stateeleven battle Pittsburg Confer' With State Leaders issues in this campaign are so deep and so fundamental that they pass partisan Lanaon said at Dton Along the road from Cin cinnati to Columbus when not speak ing conferred 'with state party leaders including John Bricker candidate for governor rank Taggart national commit teeman Ed Schorr state chair man Mrs Katherine Kennedy Brown national committee woman Major Points Major points stressed by Landon in his Ohio campaign the election (Continued on Second Page) the chief exccutiva asserted here (Continped on Second Page) Bv WILLIAM I sxm YTT1 fl uci vvnixe me neacfl of Europe hung in the balance So viet Russia tonight seriously pon dered pulling out of the noninter vention commission and openly go ing to the aid of the tottering So cialist Communist government of Spainl Simultaneously 1 the international crisis rushed to a climax in other European capitals with these 'devel opments Sdiuschnigg 'Dictator' 1 Chancellor Schuschnigg of Aus tria set himself up as an undisputed dictator and dissolved all semimilitary organizations such as the lheimwehr dooming tho political careen of Von Starhem berg 2 Premier Mussolini of Italy inten sified the world armament' race by speeding up airplane production in creasing the' air force personnel and creating a council of air ex perts with hijiself as chief to con RfAlirlnfo In a nntlz rx i XUJ uailUUO 3 Premier Blum of rance forced the Coftmunist zparty to back down and reduce the number of scheduled weekend rallies in Alsace Lorraine to 10 but failed to relieve the fear of grave disorders just across from the German Rhineland Soviet Russia was represented as ready to take a permanent from the London neutrality conference out of resentment at Italy's use of the words "blackmail" and in denying Soviet charges of giving comfort to the Spanish insurgent cause and in countercliarging that Russia herself was guilty of shipping arms munitions and money to the radical camp Old Political Soviet delegate Samuel Kagan took the position that it was highly questionable whether he could con tinue to sit at tho peace table with a diplomat who' used such explosive terms face to face with the repre sentative of a friendly power Moscow was inclined to support him and the matter was being discussed at the Kremlin tonight A Kagan replying to Embassador Dino Grand! at yesterday's session in timated it was learned that he would leave the conference and not return just as the Portuguese delegate did if there were any further attacks on the good faith of the Soviet govern ment He told the Soviet government is not in terested In the old political trick of attacking when on the defense It is not interested in a political smoke (Continued on Second Page) Old Time Democrat Tells Missouri 'Audience' TKat A i i a tion Is Part Communism Bolshevism' Kansas City Oct (AP) Ad dressing himself to the old line Democrats of JI for mer Senator James A Reed tonight denounced "the new deal as combination of socialism communism and bolshevism" 7 The former Democratic senatbr in a speech prepared for delivery in his home city under auspices of the In Coalition of American Women asserted he is "exactly the same kind of Democrat I have been all my 5s changing he 3S no It is those who have abandoned Democracy and gone over tonew dealism a Declines To Be solemnly warn the Democrats of he said if they vote for Roosevelt they are not support ing the Democratic party they are supporting a new party They are supporting a which originated in the brains of men and women who never made a pre tense of being Democrats or of ad hering to the principles of our party I decline to be herded into a corral with that kind of political mavericks my Democratic brothers I am not asking you to vote for Lan But if your judgment so dictated and your Democratic heart protwts against putting a Republican in office you can always saj still sad heart and cease repining' Roose velt set the example and established the Recd said the President had sur rounded himself with a group of ad visers "who by no stretch of the imagination can be considered as Democrats or as anything but radi cals many of them of a most dan gerous He singled out Rexford Tugwell undersecretary of agriculture and re (Continued on Second Page) REALLY WANTEDT0 DIE After Laszlo Ko erly 36 year old iron worker attempt ed suicide 26 times in a year police believed he really meant his threat to kill himself if he find a job The police force therefore was turned into an employment agency Kocrtey has tried all the commoner ways of self destruction including jumping in to the Danube four times was learned on good authority (Continued on Second Page) steaur Showers Early Today and Cooler Police ight Group Protest ing Communist Meeting Guards Increased in Stras bourg Metz rance Oct (AP) Street rioting broke out in the' heart of Metz tonight with police battling rightists who demonstrated' against a Communist meeting Tho Held asPlotting Deaths Strasbourg rance Oct Special police inspectors tonight ar two men charged with plot ting the assassination of speakers at scheduled Communist prop aganda meeting xj The names of the men were with held Police officials reinforced by two trainloads of mobile guards expressed fears of "grave in Stras bourg later tonight Rightist' 'and 'Catholics massed throughout Alsace Lorraine tonight vowing to storm scheduled Communist meetings The rench government poured more than 2500 mobile guardsmen in fo the Tegion to preserve order in the historic "lost which the World war brought back to rance Nazi Border Guard'SafU Raised' There were also reports consistent but unconfirmed that Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler had doubled the German frontier guards using 4 (Schutz staffel) troops i (This was denied officially Bcr lin although it was explained the number of 7 men at the frontier might have increased as a result of a police consolidation and it was said they were acting as trafiic offi cers) VJ The Communists yielding to the "popular government of Social (Continued on Second Page) Count Jerzy Potocki to at olrsh 9 300th Anni i versa ry as City Count Jerzy Potocki embassador from Poland to the United States ill be tke guest of 'honor today when the local Polish population holds its celebration' of' Springfield's 300th anniversary Members of the city governments of this Jcity 'Chicopee and Holyoke will be on hand to wel come the 'embassador when he ar rives at Union station at 2301 his ar rival marking the official opening eff the celebration In 'connection with the celebration Pulaski day will also be observed October 11 having been so designated by 'presidential and gubernatorial proclamations Twoi hundred children dressed in Polish costumes headed by the Polish alcon drum corps' of Chic opee will march from the Emily Bill playground on ranklin street o4he station by way of Chestnut and Lib erty streets' to greet Count Potocki After the arrival of the embassador the column will march down Liberty street to JIain street and then to the Auditorium where the young people will stand intwo files as a guard of honor for the embassador and other distinguished' guests To Be Greeted at Chicopee 7 The embassador will not take part in this parade but will go directly from the station to Chicopee where he will be officially greeted on the steps of the Chicopee city hall by Jlayor Anthony Stonina Promi nent 'citizens of Polish descent be on hand with Jlayor Stonina for the ceremonies there rom Chicopee the embassador and his party will bo brought back to this city an official reception be given him at 315 in the Mahogany room anniversary program in the (Continued on Second Page? Washington Oct An un prcccntcd public interest in the presi dential campaign was indicated this week by reports of record registra tion across the country While President Roosevelt and Goy Landon concentrated their ac tivities in the Jlidwest tabulations of the eligible voters and comment by election officials in that section tes tified to an already existent depth of feeling In the ar West "California regis trants set a record total of 3203000 Iu the East 'New York and Pennsyl vania officials looked for a similar result when the counting is over 1932 Mark Likely to lull The trend accorded with predict tions that the presidential vote of 39816522 in 1932 would be topped by sev eral millions three weeks from pext Tuesday In Illinois alone on the basis of a 2142000 registration record in Cook county where Chi the vote may exceed xmx four years ago by 500000 While no registration figures are compiled in Michigan it has been es timated there that up to 2 000 000 have signed and the actual vote mav exceed the 1932 total of 1664000 Onio officials expect about a 100 000 vote increase to total 2700000 Democratic registrants in Califor nia numbered 1849984 to 1 231 765 for the Republicans It vas record tor the Democrats and the lowest showing for their opposition since Trend Watched Closely Leaders of both major parties closely watched the upsurge In New A11C Lotai win nuu IL AUl 1 aJa10 ls an increase of about 400 000 over the similar registration peri od in 1932 Through yesterday" voters cer tificd in Pennsylvania constituted 4jj057 Republieans ind 284284 De mocrats This was "a Republican lead of 172773 the 33 counties covered as against a 304912 lead in the same counties in 1932 Official figures for the big cities were: tion of characters seemingly tune with the whole note of began to attach themselves government payroll Became Suspicious At first the idea men were too busy with their own plans to notice the intrusion of pld timers After that they becam suspicious ears were privately expressed that the President was cooling in his zeal for reform Newcomers fired with en thusiasm for ideas and Ideals won dered why "Big arley figured and mbre prominently in the choice of personnel to carry out their ideas and ideals they Men who had been hanging around clipping newspapers or parking their heels on desks or puttering with ap parently weighty matters suddenly were out on the firing line Their speeches began to resound' in tne home districts Their hard Work be gan to bring in dollars to campaign chests Their endeavors began to be reflected in increased registrations in new political clubs and in other sign's that carry election day importance And the idea men were glad to slip quietly into the background' where they can view with admiration the tactics of the very men that they regarded with scorn only a few months ago tTugwelI in Thus Dr Tugwell is in what amounts to hiding warned to keep quiet and pleased with that oppor tunity Harry Hopkins is busy with denials that WPA is being turned into an election machine Prof rank furter is not needed for the work now going on at the White house The money doctors of early new deal days are back in their classrooms Ben Cohen and Tom Corcoran are buried deeply in the labyrinth' of government departments President Roosevelt who not long ago was directing an array of heavy thinkers today is directing a bigger (Continued on Sixth Page) Only Remaining Railway Southeast rom Capital Said Blown Up by Insur gent Planes Burgos Spain Oct 10 (AP) Gen ranscisco ranco supreme military leader' of the' insurgents toured his front lines tonight to decide 'when he would set the zero hour for the final JIadrid attack Some informed 'sources said the gen eralissimo might give the attack order at dawn Sunday But others be lieved he would wait for further con solidation of his troops 'wound around three sides ef Madrid All were agreed however that the Madrid attack would be launched be fore the middle of next week High officers said the spearhead of the attack would be along the high PRICE TEN CENTS 451XI A VEAB 50TH YEAR SUNDAY NUMBER Chancellor xEduard Boar Baarentels way San to carry out nis commands and pos sibly to oppose his former comrades In the heimwehr forthright action was precipitated by con stant threats to mobilize his storm troops and seize the reins of power He called the headstrong prince into his office last night It was under stood and tried to make peace with him But Starhemberg demanded his old job as vice chancellor and the command of the militia as his price He was rudely turned down Close associates said the prince raved and stormed for hours at his loss of influence and refused to talk with anyone He made no move to challenge it isowever and he was ad vised to turn the heimwehr into a charity organization I Exacts Realty of Others The chancellor clinched his vic tory by accepting the resignations of Baar Baarenfels and inance' Minis ter Ludwig Draxler as the heim wehr representatives in ihe cabinet and then "brought them in the back after they had dropped their allegiance to Starhemberg and sworn personal loyalty to Schuschnigg Maj Emil ey was jubilant at his fall from grace He declared: dissolution of the heimwehr Is the logical sequence of Starhem egotism which 'ruined it continue to support Schuschnigg and I am also offering nay service to Prince Otto the rightful 'claimant to the Schuschnigg succeeded Chancellor Englebert Dollfus on his assassination two years ago As a member of the clerical party he attempted to steer a cautions course between the Aus trian Socialists on the left and the Austrian Nazis on the right But he waa often handicapped by the thirst for power exhibited by Starhemberg and ey and apparently determined to become his own and master at any cost 1923 Philadelphia Democrat 1 85240 Republican 553431 Pittsburg 20107 Washington' Oct 10 Patriotic or ganizations protesting the use of American radio networks by Com munist campaign speakers have been instructed by the federal communica tions commission to file their com plaints with federal courts This was disclosed late today when the commission made public copies of letters it had 'written to Airs Ralph Af Easley chairman of the national defense committee Afanhattan chap ter Daughters of the American Revo lution and Archibald Stevenson of New York counsel for the National civic federation Has No Jurisdiction The letters identical in form serted the commission is without thority to act in criminal cases is compelled under the law to that radio stations which fnake their facilities available to one legal candi date for public office must provide the same service to rival candidates Referring to the complaints which declared Earl Browder Communist candidate for President has been violating the federal criminal statutes by preaching a doctrine of sedition the commission said: as this commission has no jurisdiction over the enforcement of the provisions of that section of the law it is suggested that you may wish to present full information con cerning any violations of the criminal code to the United States district attorney in the appropriate district who may prosecute delinquents for crimes and offenses cognizable under the authority of the United States Inquiry at the department of jus tice revealed no complaints have been received there charging Browder or other leaders of the Communist cam paign with seditious activities Belief was expressed that any federal at torneys who receive such complaints (Continued on Second Page) PERSONALITY WINS RACE London (AP) Nineteen year old George Connor is the champion bush el basket carrier of England declared so at the borough annual sports day Combination of brute strength lemon juice one drop whisky and did it he said modestly after racing a quarter of a mile in three minutes three sec onds with 80 pounds of balanced bas kets on his head Long Cabinet eud Ends as Schuschnigg orces All Ministers to Vow Loyalty to Him Then Confidently Visits Hungary Vienna (Tct 10 Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg capped a long struggle for complete control of Austria night when he drove Prince von Starhemberg the heimwehr leader into political obscurity and set him self up' as undisputed dictator At the close of a 14 hour cabinet meeting the chancellor cloaked him Aclf with almost unlimited powers Jpy two bold strokes: 1 He dissolved the heimwehr and all other semi military legions 2 He forded all his cabinet min isters including former heimwehr leaders to' sXvear loyalty to his person Schuschnigg ordered the entire police force and the army to stand by for action in case Starhemberg de fied his orders and called on the heimwehr to resist dissolution He threw a heavy cordon of troops around the chancellery antftationed machine gun nests on all public buildings in instant readiness for any trouble But the young prince summoned his heimweh chiefs to a final meet ing and them to disband peacefully Then he left Austria for a secret destination arousing intense speculation as to whether he i had gone to Rome to7 lay his plight be fore Mussolini his longtime cham ion and idol' tire time Chancellor 'pJSuphmggdeparted calmly for "attend the funeral of leaving vicc Highly Practical Problems of inance and Adminis tration Ahead Next ew Years Observer Says By OWEN SCOTT Special Dispatch to The Sunday Union and Republican Washington Oct 10 The heat of a political campaign is throwing light on many mysteries of the past three years Revealed is the demand of the presidency for a dual person ality able as an executive but equal ly adept at the art of holdipg power Not so long ago Mr Roosevelt treated the people to a parade of heavy thinkers with sleeVes rolled up ready to make over the country Their experiment which the Presi dent sponsored blossomed all over the Ifind in a bewildering display Dr Rexford Tugwell Prof elix rankfurter Donald Richberg Harry Hopkins Al Wilson all idea men were among the group that held the ear of the chief executive and dominated the scene They and a multitude of enthusiastic young aids were thinking up ways to control in dustrial profits to divide up income more equally and to regulate business in the interest of a new deal But even during the period when new ideas 'were at a premium older ideas and more practical matters re ceived Consideration ormer governors like Bilbo of Alississippi former senators like Brookhart of Iowa and an aggrega out or reform to the Big Enrolments Indicate Record Vote in November iRII IB.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is a fact about Springfield MA? ›

During the 19th and 20th centuries, Springfielders produced many innovations, including the first American-English dictionary (1805, Merriam-Webster); the first use of interchangeable parts and the assembly line in manufacturing (1819, Thomas Blanchard); the first American horseless car (1825, Thomas Blanchard); the ...

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield Demographics

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5%

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

What is the nickname for Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Is it expensive to live in Springfield, MA? ›

One aspect that makes living in Springfield an appealing choice is its affordability. Though the Northeast is often thought of as an expensive place to live, the overall cost of living in Springfield is around 31% lower than the Massachusetts average and only 1% higher than the national average.

What is the poverty rate in Springfield MA? ›

25.3% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Springfield, MA (38k out of 150k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Females 35 - 44 and then Females 55 - 64.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Why is Springfield so famous? ›

It was the originator of the game of basketball, vulcanized rubber, and the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It was the hometown of the children's writer Theodor Geisel, a.k.a. Dr.

Why do they call Springfield Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.